1. It’s the first one. Our young congregation has experienced some incredible blessings during our two years together. Already, we are having a for real Bible conference. But we only get to have the first one once. You will never again have this opportunity. If you are able to attend, decades from now at the 32nd Annual PBF Bible Conference, you will be one of a select few who can say, “I was at the very first PBF Bible Conference” (Lord willing). And everyone will say, “wow” (Lord willing).
2. It’s annual. Which is to say, it is only annual. If you miss this one, another one won’t come around for a whole year. For 12 months, you’ll have to sit and listen to the rest of us joyfully reminisce and share inside jokes about the 1st Annual PBF Bible Conference.
3. It’s Biblical. Everything you hear will come from the text of Scripture. No man’s wisdom. No good advice. No helpful tips. Just pure unadulterated truth and how to apply it.
4. It’s a conference. One great benefit of coming to a conference like this is that you get a very concentrated body of teaching at one time. Getting 5+ hours of teaching in a 24-hour period makes the material more accessible, memorable, and understandable than 5 one-hour sessions of teaching spread out over the course of a month. For that reason, conferences like this one are often the most convicting, inspiring, enlightening, challenging, and encouraging times of teaching that we can have as believers.
5. It’s free. No cash register at the door, no cover charge, no love offering, no kidding. Just sign up and show up. If you do anything else on May 22-23 instead of coming to the 1st Annual PBF Bible Conference, you will most likely spend money on it. Be a good steward and come to the conference instead.
6. I’m sure it’ll rain anyway. But even if it doesn’t, there is no better way to spend a Saturday evening and Sunday morning than studying the Scriptures, worshiping the Lord, and fellowshipping with His people.
7. I’m not speaking. How often does this happen? We all need a break, don’t we?
8. Dr. Bruce Ware is speaking. This man is one of the most precious people I have ever met. He is also one of the most brilliant, humble, and gracious people I have ever met. Dr. Ware is professor of Christian Theology at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. On my very first day there in the Fall of 2006, I sat in Dr. Ware’s Systematic Theology class with tear-filled eyes praising God that He had orchestrated the circumstances of my life that I might spend several years under the teaching of such godly men. Prior to that day, I thought I was alone in many of my convictions about the church, God-centered worship, reformed theology, and the centrality of Scripture. As I listened to Dr. Ware preach his first lecture, I thought to myself, “Okay. There are at least two of us.” Now I know that we are many. While I have had the blessing of learning from a large number of wonderful professors at Southern Seminary, Dr. Ware has had the greatest impact on me. I love him deeply, and because I love you, it is a great blessing to be able to introduce you to him and him to you.
9. You don’t understand the Trinity. Neither do I. None of us do fully. However, through the Scriptures we can attain a certain level of understanding, which will benefit our interpretation of the Bible, how we pray, and how we understand our own salvation and sanctification. Many in the church today have no idea why the doctrine of the Trinity is even important. Dr. Ware will assist us in coming to a greater understanding of this doctrine, why it is important, and how it affects our everyday lives.
10. I’ll watch your kids. Along with a few other yet-to-have-volunteered volunteers. (Anyone?) You drop them off and we’ll keep them breathing until the end of the conference (Lord willing).
No doubt many have now been persuaded to sign-up. Please email me (greg@providencebiblefellowship.com) and I’ll put you on the list. Be sure to note how many kids you are bringing (5th grade and younger). Or you can put yourself down on the sign-up sheet this Sunday.
One thing is for sure – you don’t want to miss it!
Posted by Greg Birdwell