Impassioned Prayer

It often happens that points made in the sermon on Sunday morning coincide with points made in Sunday School in the next hour without any coordination between the preacher and the teacher.  Pastor Rick and I have marveled at this for years.  The Holy Spirit frequently weaves together influences to push us in a particular direction to accomplish the Father’s purpose in us.  Many times in my life I’ve heard a particular truth from one source only to hear the same thing the next day from a different source and then from a friend and then from another source, etc.  I know that others of you have experienced this kind of thing because so many of you have told me.

The same phenomenon is happening once again at Providence.  Earlier this summer as I began to consider and pray about what to teach on Wednesday nights in the Fall, I became burdened that we needed to focus on prayer.  Not just talking about it, but doing it together on Wednesday nights.  (This Spring and Summer have been for me the most vibrant season of prayer I have ever known.  And I received more specific answers to prayer in that short period of time than ever before.) 

Then when Pastor Rick came back from the FBI Academy in June, he told me he was working on choosing a book for the Home Fellowship Groups for the Fall and was looking exclusively at books about…prayer.   Again, no coordination other than the Holy Spirit working in both of our hearts.

So I wonder where the Holy Spirit might be leading us?  Perhaps it is to become a people passionate about prayer! 

I trust that this will be timely news to a good number of us.  Who among us has not struggled in this area of life?  Some of us – maybe most of us – are struggling right now.  If we’re being honest, some of us might admit to being in a season of complete prayerlessness.  But it may be that the Lord is graciously working to free us from that difficulty through the HFG study and our new Wednesday night service in order to turn a weakness into a Spirit-empowered strength. 

PBF has a reputation as a Bible-focused church.  Being students of the Word, we should have no problem answering this question: what happens when God’s people pray?  For His kingdom to come?  For each other to grow in godliness?  For the lost to be saved?

What might happen if our Bible-focused church gave itself to impassioned prayer?  Wouldn’t you love to find out?

Each week, we’re going to take a very brief look at the Scriptures and talk about prayer.  Initially, we’ll be looking at the typical difficulties we have getting into prayer and the best ways to overcome those difficulties.  Then we’re going to pray.  I’ll give you more details this Wednesday night, Sept 13 at 6:30 at the church.  Please make every effort to come!
