Book Recommendation: The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness

For the last couple of months, I have been spending my personal devotional time meditating on the humility of Christ in the Gospels.  I have found myself repeatedly mystified as to how to even understand this aspect of His character, much less how to apply it to my life.  How could Jesus be the greatest and most powerful being in existence, and yet live and serve as “the least”?  How could Jesus live so consistently with what appears to be no hint of self-interest?  

A while back, Pastor Jason—who is a wealth of resources—gave me a little book that ended up sitting on my desk unopened for several months.  One day as I was meditating on Christ’s humility, I looked over and saw this little book, and the title seemed to pertain very closely to what I’ve been studying on my own.  So I read it in one sitting.  It was so good, I have to recommend it to you.

It’s called The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness: The Truth Path to Christian Joy, by Tim Keller.  The book essentially deals with the true nature of Christian humility, where it comes from, and how to get it.  Regarding my understanding of Christ’s humility, Keller provided a huge missing piece of the puzzle for me with this little book, and I found myself energized by it.  I’m not going to explain the foundational truth that Keller delivers; I want you to discover it for yourself.  

Those of you who don’t consider yourselves readers, you can read this book.  It’s only 47 pages from front to back, and the font has to be close to 15 points.  It’s an easy, one-sitting read if you read it by yourself, but I want to challenge you to read it with someone else.  Husbands and wives could read this together out loud and discuss it in 2-3 sessions.  You could read it with a friend, or two couples could read it together.  It is so thought-provoking, you will want someone with whom you can think through it, process it, and apply it.

So, decide who you could read this with, then order as many copies as necessary for the group.  You won’t regret it.  If you apply the truth of this little book, you will receive the promise contained in the title: freedom.  
