O Father, our hearts ache at the sights and sounds of Beirut! It’s hard to imagine the experience of living in Lebanon right now. The fear and chaos of that terrible day has now yielded to its consequences—a city in ruins, a country in economic pain, a people weighed down with fear, grief, and hopelessness.
We especially remember our brothers and sisters and implore you to preserve your people, for in you they take refuge. We say to you, the LORD, “You are our Lord; we have no good apart from you.” Be merciful to them. For the saints in that land are excellent ones in whom is all our delight. We rejoice that they love you and live for your glory.
Make your presence known among your people. Remind them that you, O LORD, are their chosen portion and their cup; you hold their lot. And in the midst of the terrible circumstances in this moment, assure them that you have not forgotten them. You love them and have sent Christ to be their savior. In him, their lines have fallen in pleasant places; indeed, they have a beautiful inheritance with you. Give your people strength to set you always before their eyes of faith. Be gracious that they might know you are at their right hand, so they shall not be shaken. May they bless you, Lord, because of the counsel and consolation you give.
For those that do not know you—may they see the confident hope of your people. May they see their love for neighbor, even love for enemy, during this crisis and be drawn to you. We pray that the events of the day will turn the hearts of many inward and make them mindful of the finitude of life. And as they are seeking hope, we pray that the church’s faith will be on bold display and that they will not fail to give an answer for the hope that is in them. Use this tragedy to help open the eyes of the blind to see your power and love in contrast to the false gods that are worshipped. May you—the one, true, and living God—be seen as the giver of life and forgiveness.
We ask that you sustain your people and call many more to yourself in Lebanon during the coming days. Show them Christ’s glory that their hearts might be glad and that they might rejoice in their whole being, knowing that their flesh also dwells secure. Not even death can separate them from you. For just as with Jesus, you will not abandon their souls to Sheol, nor let your holy ones see corruption. Make known to them the path of life for in your presence there is fullness of joy. At your right hand are pleasures forevermore in Christ.
We ask these things for the sake of him who died for our sins, was raised for our justification, and who now reigns at your right hand for all eternity. We long to see him glorified! Amen.