Details for Orphan Sunday 2020!

One of our favorite days every year is Orphan Sunday, which we will be observing on November 8.  Just wanted to give you all the details for that day.

1.  Orphan Sunday Message, 9:00 & 10:45

The message on Sunday morning, from 2 Samuel 9, will focus on our adoption by God through the atoning work of Christ.  If you have any unsaved friends or those who are adopted or have adopted, please invite them to church Sunday morning.  The message will take their experience of adoption and relate it to the gospel.  Please be praying for the gospel to bring spiritual orphans home!

2.  City BBQ Orphan Care Fundraiser 

    7706 Voice of America Centre Dr, West Chester, Ohio 45069

City Barbecue is donating 25% of all proceeds to the PBF Orphan Care fund.  This year we will be sharing a meal while we enjoy the evening celebration.  You can swing by City BBQ, pick up your dinner, and bring it to the Orphan Care celebration. 

3.   PBF Orphan Care Ministry Celebration - 5pm

This is our annual gathering to praise God for all that He has done and is doing at PBF to bring orphans home.  MUCH important information will be shared about upcoming events.  We’ll hear from several of our adoptive families - those who have recently brought children home and those who are in the process.  

4. Hope’s Closet Gift Card Outreach - Now thru November 8

Hope’s Closet is a local ministry that helps foster families by providing them with clothes and other supplies when children are placed in their homes.  They also do many other things to encourage foster families.  They are currently collecting gift cards to send foster parents on date nights.  

Will you consider donating a gift card from your favorite LOCAL date night restaurant to be given as a Christmas gift to LOCAL foster parents for a DATE NIGHT?  Purchased gift cards and monetary donations can be placed in the gift box at the back of the sanctuary.  Collections will go through Orphan Sunday, November 8th.  Contact Julie Sewak (513-477-2903) with questions.

5.  Last Call for Orphan Care T-shirts!

We would like to sell all of the remaining Orphan Care t-shirts in the entry way of the church.  Orphan Sunday will be the last opportunity to purchase one.  Don’t miss out!  Recommended donation: $20 for adults; $10 for kids.  All proceeds will be contributed to the Hope’s Closet gift cards outreach.  

The Lord has routinely chosen to change lives at PBF on Orphan Care Sunday.  Please come and see what He will do this year!
