Pastor Jason’s sabbatical officially starts today. As a relatively few were at the prayer gathering earlier this month, I wanted to share here on the blog ways that we can pray for him and his family while they are away.
Before I share those requests, just a reminder regarding the purpose of our pastors’ sabbaticals. These are different from academic sabbaticals in that there is no professional or educational goal. It has been said that academic sabbaticals are about a product; pastoral sabbaticals are about the person. The pastoral sabbatical provides a season for spiritual rest, reflection, and refreshment. Short-term disconnection from ministry routine and responsibilities allows the pastor to be rejuvenated for long-term service to the Lord and His church.
Ideally, both the pastor and congregation are blessed by his relatively short time away. The pastor is refreshed in the Lord and returns ready to serve with greater energy and focus. The congregation benefits in that they gain a renewed appreciation for the pastor, and they are blessed by his vigorous ministry when he returns refreshed.
There are two ways we can help Pastor Jason and his family during these eight weeks. The first is to facilitate their complete disconnection from responsibility by committing to initiate no contact with them until their return. Secondly, we can pray for them daily. Pastor Jason was kind enough to share with me a few requests, which I have copied and pasted below. Let’s commit to supporting them in both these ways!
“1. Pray that we would spend lengthy amounts of time unplugged from devices in order to sharpen one another spiritually.
2. Pray that my kids would see the love of Christ clearly in how I serve/lead them and their mother.
3. Pray that each of us would quickly identify and work on a specific heart issue.
4. Pray that Tab would be refreshed for future ministry--that I wouldn't make this sabbatical solely about my refreshment.
5. Pray the Lord will give me lengthy, fruitful times in the Word and in prayer. Specifically, I will be doing a deep dive through the Gospels. I'll also be working on memorizing select passages.
6. Pray that I would enjoy a variety of book selections without being enslaved to a chore of reading.
7. Overall, pray that this would be a fun, meaningful period of my family's life. I really want my kids to look back and see this sabbatical as an impactful time in their lives.
8. I'll also be focusing on my physical health (working out daily, Lord willing).”