Forgotten, but not Gone: Old PBF Resources

I’ve had a couple of long-time members relate conversations to me indicating that our newer members have no idea about at least one of our online resources.  They suggested that I remind everyone about our podcast Truth & Circumstances.

Back in 2017, we began a podcast answering listener-submitted questions about how to “apply the truth of God’s Word to the difficult circumstances of everyday life.”  After 253 episodes, in late 2022 we discontinued the podcast due to the well going dry--no more questions were coming in!  We were happy to continue as long as the ministry seemed necessary, as indicated by the submission of questions.  On the other hand, in the absence of questions we were eager find other ways to steward our time.

Occasionally since then, I’ve been asked questions in casual conversation that we answered on the podcast.  While we seemed to have exhausted the supply of new questions, some of the old episodes may still be pertinent to many of us.  

So, if you are new to Providence or you were not in the habit of listening in the past, consider checking out the Truth & Circumstances website

Here is a smattering of questions answered over the years…

How can I get my husband to lead me? (Episode 2)

I’m married but attracted to someone at work.  What should I do? (Episode 4)

As an adult, how do I honor my parents who expect me to heed their authority the way I did as a child? (Episode 16)

My teenager wants to date. What counsel can you give regarding whether or when this is appropriate? (Episode 56)

My child has been a victim of bullying at school.  How do I help him to deal with this as a believer? (Episode 81)

How concerned should I be with my friend who is fascinated with astrology? (Episode 135)

How do I build trust after betrayal? (Episode 149)

What should I do about inappropriate dreams? (Episode 172)

Are there good reasons to leave a church? (Episode 201)

How can we recognize demonic oppression? (Episode 204)

What should I do about my spouse’s unwanted physical attention? (Episode 215)

We are still paying to maintain that website for the benefit of anyone who may be helped by it.  Perhaps you could be helped by it!  Just hop on and scroll through or use the search bar to find what you’re looking for.

Likewise, this blog may be an untapped resource for some of our newer members.  There are over 800 articles here dating back to late 2008.  This website also is searchable.  

Similarly, our sermons page contains well over a decade of messages from books all over the Bible, searchable by date, series, speaker, and title.

Many servants have given many hours to making these resources available over the years.  We encourage you to take advantage of that labor.  And may you find it helpful!
